End of Season Review

End of Season Review
Well, we had a magnificent day for our end of season get together. The sun shone, blue skies and so a lot of new friends came to see the LemonRock.
We had friends travel from all over Ireland. which was great, as we had only really expected. local bikers from Kerry to be out and about. I guess the combination of fine weather and the offer of free soup and sandwiches was enough to draw. The crowds – well actually no – bikers are just a genuine bunch. And they were glad to come along just for the ride out and to support our new fledgling biking business.
So thanks to one and all for coming along. We hope you liked what you saw and will spread the word to other bikers from overseas.
November 1 marked the end of our 2015 and first rental season. We’re now busy working away on taking bookings and finalizing tours for 2016. Already bookings are coming in but we’re expecting that to ramp up in the new year.
Meanwhile, we have launched our new Gift Voucher which might be a good way to encourage your overseas friends to go riding next year with you on the Wild Atlantic Way – with LemonRock!
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